The IDLEXBR_ASSISTANT procedure launches the Export Bridge Assistant. If no keywords are supplied, IDL launches the Assistant without opening a project.

See IDL Feature Support for a list of platforms that support the Export Bridge Assistant. See Supported Compilers and IDL Modes for a list of supported compilers required to build Export Bridge wrapper objects.







Set this keyword to specify the column height of the assistant. The column height applies to both columns and does not include the title bar, menu bar, and toolbar. The default column height is 600. The minimum column height is 300.


Set this keyword to specify the column width of the assistant. There are two columns in the display, one for the tree view and one for the property sheet and the text containing the logs. The default column width is 400. The minimum column width is 100.


If OBJECT_FILE is supplied and COM is not set, the default is to create a Java project in the Assistant. If COM is set, the Assistant creates a COM project instead. If OBJECT_FILE is not set, the COM keyword is ignored.


Use this keyword to specify the full pathname of an IDL object definition file, either IDL source code (.pro) or an IDL SAVE file (.sav). If OBJECT_FILE is specified, IDL creates a new project in the Assistant. The default project destination is Java. Use the COM keyword to specify that the destination for the new project is COM.


Use this keyword to specify the full pathname of an existing Export Bridge Assistant project file (*_wrapdef.sav) to open.


By default, the event handler methods of drawable IDL source objects as well as the methods of the IDLitDirectWindow class are not presented in the Assistant for export. These methods are typically not needed and their presence can be confusing. If users want to simulate events programmatically, they might want to implement these methods in the wrapper object. If the OBJECT_FILE keyword is set to create a new project and the DRAWABLE_EVENTHANDLERS keyword is set, the Assistant presents these methods, which can be exported to the wrapper object.

Version History

